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Class Schedule

773.636.1968                                                      ADDRESS: 2446 N. Clark, Chicago                                       thepaintbrush@thepaintbrush.net





Do-At-Home ART Projects and Ideas CLICK HERE


Interested in a private or group class or camp in person or online? Let us know!


SPRING SESSION 1: March 2-April 26, 2025 (8 weeks)

SPRING SESSION 2: April 27-June 7, 2025 (6-7 weeks; No Class on Memorial Day)

SUMMER SESSION 1: June 8-July 19, 2025 (5 weeks; no class June 29-July 5; includes 20th Anniversary t-shirt)

SUMMER SESSION 2: July 21-August 23, 2025 (5 weeks; includes 20th Anniversary t-shirt)

Fall Session 1: August 31-October 25, 2025 (8 weeks) 

Fall Session 2: October 26-December 20, 2025 (7 weeks; no classes November 23-29)

Join Anytime! All Classes prorated after first day of session to allow students to join anytime during the session.


Once you have registered, please look for our Confirmation Email with Registration Forms and Important Safety Information! You will need to REPLY to the email PROMPTLY to complete your registration.

Sunday Sunrise ART Class for Tots/Preschoolers
ages 2-5 with participating caregiver
Sundays, 9:00-10:00
Click to Register for Spring Session 1 (prorated for remainder of session)
For toddlers and preschoolers and their caregivers. In this Signature Class kids learn about ART through parent-assisted hands-on ARTist-inspired lessons using a variety of approaches including drawing, painting, collaging and more; while also working on basic ART skills (cutting, gluing, etc.). Different ARTist inspiration each week. Plus playtime in our ART-themed playroom. 
Sunday Sunrise ART Class
ages 4-10
Sundays, 10:00-11:00
 (prorated for remainder of session)
Click to Register for Spring Session 1 (prorated for remainder of session)
Click to Register for Spring Session 2: $230/7-week session
Round out your weekend with an ART class. In this Signature class kids learn about ART though hands-on ARTist-inspired lessons using a variety of approaches including drawing, painting, collaging, etc. Different ARTist inspiration each week. Drop-off.
FREE STEAM Trial Class: Observational Drawing
ages 10-13 with one participating parent per family
Sunday, May 18, 3:00-4:00
The Paintbrush and the new micro middle school Wander through Wonder Academy are teaming up to bring STEAM classes to The Paintbrush and to WTWA. In this trial class, kids and their parents will see how ART and science are closely linked. Through hypothesis and experimentation, we will discover things we never knew before about ART … and science!
Adult Beginning Acrylic Painting
teens (14+)/adults
Sundays, 6:00-7:30
Click to Register for Spring Session 1: (prorated for remainder of session)
Click to Register for Spring Session 2: $300/7-week session
Learning the basics of acrylic paint is what this class is all about. How to mix and apply paint, layer, glaze, undercoat, and sketch. Students will learn techniques that can carry them through further paintings. We will introduce skills for Natural Paintings (landscapes) and Painting from Life (still life). Students will learn about different styles and approaches to painting. No experience necessary, but students with some experience are also welcome! Supplies provided.
Drawing Techniques Class
ages 7-12
Mondays, 4:45-5:45  
Click to Register for Spring Session 1: (prorated for remainder of session)
Click to Register for Spring Session 2: $200/6-week session (No Class on Memorial Day)
Taking inspiration from common ART styles such as still-life, portrait, landscape and modern ART, this class introduces and experiments with the use of different drawing mediums (which may include oil pastels, charcoal, chalks, colored pencils and markers) and techniques to explore various styles and types of drawing. Kids will work at their own skill level on the same objective with the materials that are equally good for beginners and more advanced students! Drop-off.
Cartooning Class
ages 6-11
Mondays, 6:00-7:00
Click to Register for Spring Session 1: (prorated for remainder of session)
Click to Register for Spring Session 2: $200/6-week session (No Class on Memorial Day)
Exploring stylized cartoons with creative prompts, learning how to build characters, backgrounds and the basics of cartooning is what this class is about. All styles are encouraged. We will use mainly markers but will experiment with a variety of mediums such as pens, colored pencils, and graphite. Beginners and experienced students welcome. Drop-off.
Teens’ Drawing & Painting Class
ages 13-17
Mondays, 7:00-8:00pm
Click to Register for Summer Session 1: $187/5-week mini session
Click to Register for Summer Session 2: $187/5-week mini session
Teens in this class will learn the basic skills of an artist, introducing the basics of both drawing and painting. Those who already have some experience will build their skills. Shading, perspective, blending and more!
Adult Beginning/Intermediate Watercolor Class
teens (14+)/adults 
Mondays, 7:15-8:45pm
Click to Register for Spring Session 1: (prorated for remainder of session)
Click to Register for Spring Session 2: $260/6-week session (No Class on Memorial Day)
At the Beginner Level of this class, students will learn landscape techniques, drawing/painting from life, mixing colors, and brush techniques. Students will be engaged in technique-based learning and guided painting to practice learned techniques. Beginner students will receive more personalized attention and critiques. Students who are ready to advance to the Intermediate Level of this class will work on the same lessons but more independently with teacher guidance as they grow as individual artists. Intermediate students will develop and hone previously learned skills through personalized critiques and guidance, understand how to correct skills errors and have better understanding of watercolor painting. No experience necessary. Supplies provided.
Little ART Explorers 
ages 12-24 months with participating caregiver
Tuesdays, 9:00-9:45
Click to Register for Spring Session 1: (prorated for remainder of session)
Tuesdays, 9:15-10:00
Tuesdays, 3:15-4:00
Click to Register for Spring Session 1: (prorated for remainder of session)
Our littlest ARTists are introduced to all the skills they need to explore the wonderful world of ART. Shapes and color recognition, and medium exploration are the skills we focus on in this hands-on Intro to ART class for toddlers. Includes ART playtime in our ART-themed playroom.
ART Class for Tots/Preschoolers
ages 2-5 with participating caregiver
Tuesdays, 10:00-11:00
Click to Register for Spring Session 1: (prorated for remainder of session)
Tuesdays, 10:15-11:15
Tuesdays, 4:15-5:15
Click to Register for Spring Session 1: (prorated for remainder of session)
For toddlers and preschoolers and their caregivers. In this Signature Class kids learn about ART through parent-assisted hands-on ARTist-inspired lessons using a variety of approaches including drawing, painting, collaging and more; while also working on basic ART skills (cutting, gluing, etc.). Different ARTist inspiration each week. Plus playtime in our ART-themed playroom. 
After School ART Class
ages 4-10
Tuesdays, 4:15-5:15
Click to Register for Spring Session 1: (prorated for remainder of session)
In this Signature class kids learn about ART though hands-on ARTist-inspired lessons using a variety of approaches including drawing, painting, collaging, etc. Different ARTist inspiration each week. Drop-off.
Animal Drawing
ages 5-8
Tuesdays, 5:30-6:30
Click to Register for Spring Session 1: (prorated for remainder of session)
Click to Register for Spring Session 2: $230/7-week session
Click to Register for Summer Session 1: $187/5-week mini session
Learn to draw your favorite pet! In this new class we will learn about how to draw textures (like fur!), animal features and proportions, and how to create pet colors. A combination of pencils, colored pencils, pastels, and paint will be used in this class. Drop-off.
Fashion Drawing
ages 8-12
Tuesdays, 5:30-6:30
Click to Register for Spring Session 1:(prorated for remainder of session)
Click to Register for Spring Session 2: LINK COMING
This new class teaches kids how to draw and create their own fashion designs! Learn about texture, form, balance, emphasis, accessories, colors, and more. Students will be given prompts and lessons on how to approach fashion illustration using pencil, colored pencils, fabrics, watercolor, and more. A fun and creative class! Drop-off.
Adult Beginner/Intermediate Drawing Class
teens (14+)/adults
Tuesdays, 6:45-8:15pm
Click to Register for Spring Session 1: (prorated for remainder of session)
Learn the basics of drawing in this class. We’re introducing all kinds of drawing techniques in this new class!  Each week we will draw in styles with different mediums. We’ll try our hand at observational drawings from life, cartoons, fashion illustration, abstract drawings, and more, using a range of mediums such as pen, pencil, colored pencil, marker, paint, even cut paper and more experimental mediums. Students will work at their own skill level on the same objective with the materials that are equally good for beginners and more advanced students! Supplies provided. 
After School ART Class
ages 4-10
Wednesdays, 4:15-5:15
In this Signature class kids learn about ART though hands-on ARTist-inspired lessons using a variety of approaches including drawing, painting, collaging, etc. Different ARTist inspiration each week. Drop-off.
Fashion Drawing
ages 8-12
Wednesdays, 5:30-6:30 
Click to Register for Spring Session 1: (prorated for remainder of session)
Tuesdays, 5:30-6:30
This class teaches kids how to draw and create their own fashion designs! Learn about texture, form, balance, emphasis, accessories, colors, and more. Students will be given prompts and lessons on how to approach fashion illustration using pencil, colored pencils, fabrics, watercolor, and more. A fun and creative class! Drop-off.
FREE STEAM Trial Class: Watercolor Discovery
ages 10-13 with one participating parent per family
Thursday, May 8, 4:00-5:00
Click to Register: FREE
The Paintbrush and the new micro middle school Wander through Wonder Academy are teaming up to bring STEAM classes to The Paintbrush and to WTWA. In this trial class, kids and their parents will see how ART and science are closely linked. Through hypothesis and experimentation we will discover things we never knew before about ART … and science!
Little ART Explorers 
ages 12-24 months with participating caregiver
Fridays, 9:15-10:00
Click to Register for Spring Session 1: (prorated for remainder of session)
Our littlest ARTists are introduced to all the skills they need to explore the wonderful world of ART. Shapes and color recognition, and medium exploration are the skills we focus on in this hands-on Intro to ART class for toddlers. Includes ART playtime in our ART-themed playroom.
ART Class for Tots/Preschoolers
ages 2-5 with participating caregiver
Fridays, 10:15-11:15
Click to Register for Spring Session 1: (prorated for remainder of session)
For toddlers and preschoolers and their caregivers. In this Signature Class kids learn about ART through parent-assisted hands-on ARTist-inspired lessons using a variety of approaches including drawing, painting, collaging and more; while also working on basic ART skills (cutting, gluing, etc.). Different ARTist inspiration each week. Plus playtime in our ART-themed playroom. 
Intro to Drawing & Painting
ages 5-8
Fridays, 4:45-5:45
Click to Register for Spring Session 1: (prorated for remainder of session)
In this class we’re introducing kids to different mediums, styles, techniques, and types of art. We try something new every week! Mediums of exploration include watercolors, tempera paint, pencil, markers, colored pencils and more. Exploring styles such as abstract, modern, expressionism and so much more. This class is a fun, experimental introduction to painting and drawing skills. Drop-off.
Drawing & Painting for ‘Tweens
ages 8-13
Fridays, 5:50-6:50 
Click to Register for Spring Session 1:  (prorated for remainder of session)
This class is designed for our older students to learn the basic skills of drawing and painting. Drop-off.
ages 4*-10
Select Fridays, 6:00-8:30 
Catching the Leprechaun:  March 14 CLICK TO REGISTER
Drop off your kids for the movie, pizza (personal pizza option available for kids who want more than just plain cheese pizza), themed ART activities and playtime — it’s our kids’ only evening of fun! *3.5-year-olds may join with older sibling if FULLY BATHROOM PROFICIENT (no pull-ups. Must be able to handle all parts of toileting on their own.)
Little ART Explorers 
ages 12-24 months with participating caregiver
Saturdays, 9:00-9:45
Click to Register for Spring Session 1: (prorated for remainder of session)
Our littlest ARTists are introduced to all the skills they need to explore the wonderful world of ART. Shapes and color recognition, and medium exploration are the skills we focus on in this hands-on Intro to ART class for toddlers. Includes ART playtime in our ART-themed playroom.
Saturday Morning Extended ART Class 
ages 4-10
Saturdays, 10:00-11:30 
Click to Register for Spring Session 1: (prorated for remainder of session)
Chill out on Saturday mornings with this extended ART class! In this Signature class kids learn about ART though hands-on ARTist-inspired lessons using a variety of approaches including drawing, painting, collaging, etc. Different ARTist inspiration each week. Drop-off.
ART Class for Tots/Preschoolers 
ages 2-5 with participating caregiver
Saturdays, 11:45-12:45
Click to Register for Spring Session 1: (prorated for remainder of session
For toddlers and preschoolers and their caregivers. In this Signature Class kids learn about ART through parent-assisted hands-on ARTist-inspired lessons using a variety of hands-on approaches including drawing, painting, collaging and more; while also working on basic ART skills (cutting, gluing, etc.). Different ARTist inspiration each week. Plus playtime in our ART-themed playroom. 
Intermediate Drawing & Painting for ‘Tweens
ages 8-13
Saturdays, 1:00-2:00
Click to Register for Spring Session 1: (prorated for remainder of session)
This class is designed for our older students to learn the more advanced skills of drawing and painting. Drop-off.
Adults Only Saturday Night Fun Night
ages 18+
Saturdays, 7:30-8:30pm
Just $20/class
Try something new this summer! All the fun things the kids get to do, but with wine!
No experience necessary; just come to have some fun. 
Click to Register (Choose your date(s)/class(es) on the registration link)
Paint Your Own Wine Glass, June 7
Jackson Pollock Splatter Painting, June 21
Tie Dye Night, July 12
Slime Night, July 26
Guided Painting Class, August 9
DIY Painting Class, August 23
*must be at least 21 years old to consume alcohol
  Once you have registered, please look for our Confirmation Email with Registration Forms and Important Safety Information!

Plan a Private One-on-One Class for yourself, your child, or a group class for your child and their friends (drop-off for kids ages 4+). All ages. Text or email for more info.

Looking for something different? Let us know!